As long as I'm making confessions, I am also not an economist nor have I ever held an executive position in the oil industry however; I can say with a great amount of certainty that fuel prices are extremely excessive and if something doesn't happen soon, our economy will be "running on E" and we'll all be asking for oil alternatives just to be able to afford to drive to work every day. These oil companies need to be regulated before they do more economic damage than they already have. It can get worse, and it will if nothing is done about this.
As I work towards educating myself as much as possible on these issues, I want to let my brothers and sisters of the Ol' Skool Kulture know that I haven't "turned to the Green side" and left them for dead. I plan on building a led sled when I get out of school and it will most likely have a big nasty motor that would make any grown hot rodder cry. I plan on teaching my kids all about the car and the culture. On the flip side, doing what any father or hopeful future father would do, I'm trying to protect my own and leave them with a good, healthy life when I go.